Princess Sophia

My name is Sophia Grace Crawford and I am one year old. I have been diagnosed with Batten Disease, a rare and incurable genetic disease that will cause me to lose the little sight that I have, worsening seizures, loss of the ability to move my arms and legs, and will ultimately leave me bed ridden. And it is always fatal. I will leave this world within the next two years but I don't know exactly when. Until then, my Mommy and Daddy want to help me bring awareness to Batten Disease. Please come on this journey with me so that, together, we can celebrate each day that I have left!
I know pain
So I was thinking about Batten Disease and how I keep hearing that I should "stay strong", that "there's a reason for this", to "keep thinking positive". And the resounding statement I hear is that this is happening to teach the world something, to teach me something. And I think that's crap. There, I've said it. I won't delete it. Even if its wrong to say. And not because this disease hasnt taught me anything because it has. This disease has taught me what it's like to have no money: zip, zilch, nada. No money for groceries, diapers, and you can forget about a new shirt or a haircut. I haven't been shopping in over a year and my last haircut? Also a year ago. It's taught me to feel contempt and stripped me of sympathy and empathy. You don't feel well?Aww, poor baby. Suck it up. My daughters dying and she's ten months old. You lost your house in a fire? You can get another house so quit crying. Someone died at 105? She lived a long life and that's nothing to be mourning. Your kid has to get their vaccinations? well boo hoo. My daughter has had more needles put in here than I can count and you know what? She rarely cried. She wouldn't give them that--she was tough and snubbed her nose at the doctors like, is that all you got?? This disease has taught me jealousy. At all the mothers with their perfect little kids. Walking, talking, crawling, eating, playing. Those mothers have no idea what they have. They think they do and that disgusts me even more. They say they are sorry for my pain, but in reality they are sighing a relief that they aren't me. That mom with the sick kid. And you know what they all say? "I couldn't handle it if my kid were dying". As if I had a choice. Like I stood in line and asked for this role. Like I have the option to just "not handle it". Please. Get away from me. You know nothing about nothing. This disease has taught me that my job is a paycheck and if I left it tomorrow, I'd be replaced in a day and most would not remember my name. And if they did? They'd remember that I was the mother of a dying kid. This disease has taught me to lose faith. Why does my daughter have to die? For that matter, why does any child have to die? That's ridiculous. Sophia is completely innocent. She's done nothing wrong. She's an angel, such a sweet girl. She never fusses or complains. She can't see, crawl, hold toys, eat, play, or talk. She will never do any of those things. She's had so much pain in her lifetime, more than you can possibly imagine. I've watched nurses plunge needles in her wrists, arms, and ankles, literally digging for veins. What was I doing at these times? Telling her that she was okay, everything was fine. Really? I've sat through procedures that cut her back open so that spinal fluid could be drained for testing. I've cried countless times after EEG testing was completed and technicians used strong solvents that rubbed her skin and hair from her head. I've hoped for seizures just so the doctor could see what I see. I've asked a thousand questions to countless doctors and didn't stop asking until I got my answer, even when the answer made my stomach hurt. I've cursed out doctors and been a smart aleck when I felt that I was being talked down to or when I felt Sophia wasn't getting the treatment she deserved. I've spent hours on the phone late at night with on call specialists who prescribe medication for my daughter based on my words and her chart alone. Batten Disease has taught me despair and loneliness. I truly feel that I'm in this alone sometimes. I shut out my husband because I just can't deal with the emotions. I put all my energy into just getting through the day. That's it. That's my goal. That's my life. And when it's time for bed, I collapse for a few short blissful hours of nothingness. And then I hear Sophia cry, whine, cough, sneeze, move, or breathe funny and just like that, I'm back in the game.
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Don't ever worry about deleting your feelings. I think if I hear one more person say "there is a reason for everything" I just might smack them. I know that's rude and people don't know what to say but its not their baby and as parents, there will never be a good enough reason to see your baby in pain, to constantly worry, and to wonder what the next days challenges will be. Appointments are sad, sleepless nights are most nights, and the worry is exhausting. Our God is big enough to handle our questions and our anger so let them out, because yes, it seems senseless...all of it. If you ever need to talk, I am here.
ReplyDeleteCassy--thank you so much for reading the blog and your comment. I wish we could do more for our babies--as mommys, I think we will always have this feeling that we should be able to fix it. I know God is good but sometimes, the pain feels like its too much. Like maybe God thought I was strong enough to handle this, but I'm just not. I pray for your baby and mine, for your family and mine. Looking forward to seeing you at the fundraiser. And you can call me anytime as well. Always willing to vent and listen! :)
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you are sharing how you feel. Don't apologize for it. We all stand around wanting to say the right thing to you or do something that would be helpful and we all hurt because we know there are no words to help, nothing we can do will make the pain go away. But we try because we don't know what else to do. I do believe that God is in control and he knows how much we can handle. It's ok to ask questions, wonder why and be angry about it. Keep sharing!!! Tracy
ReplyDeleteI wish I could take all your hurt and pain away. Mamaw
ReplyDeleteDear Jaime, please try not to be so hard on people, because most simply don't know what to say. Some will say the wrong thing, some will say nothing, and others will just cry and hug you. Many will pray. But truly the cliche is correct, until we walk in someone else's shoes, we just don't know what it's like. I believe Sophia is sick simply because many years ago sin entered God's perfect world, and with it came disease, pain, sickness and death. And it is no respector of persons. God's ways are not our ways and his thoughts are not our thoughts. Yes, Batten's disease, and what it has done to your family, will teach you many things. The ones you have written about were the bad stuff, but someday, you may be able to write about the good things it taught you. And yes, God will teach you things. His Word says that he can bring good out of the bad. But He doesn't say it will happen immediately, perhaps not even in your lifetime. Don't let Satan have the victory in your life, in your marriage, but give it to your Father, and weep with Him. Words from a friend very far away.
ReplyDeleteI appreciate all of the comments. I enjoy reading them. It helps me to reflect on my writing. I am not, not have I ever been, disrespectful to other mothers. My point here was that I do see a difference from a child going every few months for a shot at the pediatricians to a child getting a shot daily given by parents (something my husband and I have both done for many months). My blog is not meant to offend. And while I was once the person saying that everything happens for a reason and God never gives more than you can handle, it all goes out the window when your child is in pain and dying. I don't expect others to understand. I just want my child to be healthy like yours because she deserves it, and more than that, I can promise you--she's earned it.
DeleteI'm always afraid to comment and say the wrong thing, because like you say we can't know unless we have been there. Please know that you are not alone. Some of us may be far away and may never meet, but we are earnestly praying for you and feel for you. My hurt and pain for you is real. I write this with tears in my eyes thinking of your words and your pain. I wish NO ONE had to go through this and I don't understand it either. I do though believe that God is with you...please don't lose your is the only thing that can get you through this. I know there are no words to ease your pain and I wish there were. I pray for a miracle for your baby girl to live the life that she deserves and has earned as you say. God Bless You and be with you and show you today that HE is with you!
ReplyDeleteI admire your courage in saying what you did. The truth is that any person would feel the same emotions in your situation. All of us mean to be comforting but the truth is that we don't understand what you go through every day. You love your daughter and you have every right to be angry for her. Don't feel that you have to pretend not to feel the way you do in order to protect others feelings. There are no words that can make this situation ok. As a mother I am not offended by what you said, I know that I would feel the same. I believe in God and I pray for your family, but I think that the implication that this is somehow "all for the best" or some other cliche is overly simplistic and insulting to the gravity of the situation. I honestly can't give an explanation to why this is happening and even if I had one it wouldn't make things any better. This is so beyond anything that I can attempt to even grasp. Don't stop saying how you feel. You've earned all of those feelings and you should be able to express them without fear or concern of others reactions. Frankly it's not about any of us anyway........
Crystal Shadd
I do not know you personally, but I have viewed your page and read your blogs. I have prayed for Sophia many times. I think your words are very truthful. There is so much pain. But as a mother, I don't look at my child with a sigh of relief that it's not her with this disease. My heart aches, my chest is heavy because I get what it's like to love another being to the bottom of your soul. The love a mother has for a child is unexplainable. So while I don't understand what it's like to be in your shoes, I get that fierce love, a love that gives you the energy to get through one more hour, one more day. A love that wants to protect, hold, heal, fight - do whatever it takes for your child. And because I get that, I am so very sad for you. Sophia is very lucky to have you.
ReplyDeleteI was one of only 3 people to survive an apartment building fire. The Mother of one of the deceased women asked my Mom, how come I was so lucky whereas her daughter wasn't. She was a good person. She worked hard. She went to church. All those things that should protect you, she was. Yet, I'm the one who walked away. That happened almost 16 years ago. And to this day, I have no answer. I can't say that there was a reason to it. I can't say that it was for divine reasons. I can just say that it is grossly unfair. And if I could give myself for her, I'd have saved 2 lives that day. See, she was expecting her first child. But I couldn't. The mere difference between she and I was, I lived on the second floor. She lived on the third. Survivors were from the second floor only. What sense is there in that? None.
ReplyDeleteAnyone with a child in such a situation would and should feel this way. I know I would. I would probably be less gracious, honestly. My heart is breaking for you. And I wish I could take some of your pain away. I will pray for your daughter. She sounds like an angel. I will pray that God gives you some strength.
You know what I think? Be hard on other people. Do whatever comforts you or gives you some sort of release. If that's being angry, then be angry. How can anybody truly sit there and tell you that God has a reason for your daughter being sick? Is that supposed to comfort you? What purpose does it serve, saying something like that?
ReplyDeleteMy kid isn't sick and I know my words are just as ignorant as anybody who hasn't been through what you've been through. All I can say is that it sucks. It's not fair. But you should do and say exactly what you want. What's the use in holding back? What do you have to lose?
Your blog just made me bawl like a baby. I dont know you but ran across ur blog through your sweet babies facebook page. But please know that im praying for you and your family. Its easy for doubt in God to set in, but prayer works.
ReplyDeleteThere is a reason for the trials sophia is going through, she has taught us all to be better people, take a good look at everything we THOUGHT was important and everything we take for granted. The way we look at people/kids with disability. but i do agree with your feelings is doesnt seem fair to sophia. I would give anything to change this. Papaw bobby